Imagine a beautiful tree or garden growing for everyone we have loved and lost.

Welcome to Evergrove,
We are allowing people to be remembered through trees, flowers, and gardens, creating living memorials that honour loved ones in the parks, forests, and landscapes we cherish. As a new carbon-neutral option alongside burial and cremation, Evergrove is devoted to making farewells gentler and more beautiful for all people, communities, cultures, and faiths worldwide.
We invite you to co-design what we believe is the most thoughtful and sustainable way to honour life with grace, dignity, and respect for our planet. By expressing your interest, you join a movement to show governments, industry, and communities that this is the future you want.
Keeping memories alive while creating space for grief
Meaningful Places
Your places of significance through life are the perfect locations for remembrance in the future.
Favourite flowers, trees, and plants can live on as beautiful legacies, allowing loved ones to continue feeling your presence in the world.
Living Legacies
In times of loss, Evergrove provides the time and space to make meaningful choices. With flexible options for personalised memorials, we help you create a tribute that reflects a life lived and honours personal values.
Thoughtful Choices

The Evergrove Sanctuary
Part 1.
We function in a similar capacity to a crematorium, but instead of producing ashes, we gently transform human remains into earth over a 60-90 day period.
This process is called terramation.
Our spaces are thoughtfully designed to support people through loss, drawing on everything we’ve learned about grief and mental health throughout human history. These awe-inspiring, beautiful spaces offer a peaceful, safe haven where you can feel at ease leaving a loved one for the transformation process and where you can also hold a funeral or memorial ceremony. Visitation throughout the transformation period is welcomed and encouraged.
We call these places our Evergrove Sanctuaries.
Terramation takes place in our purpose-built Evergrove vessels. They are similar to coffins but people are laid on a soft bed of natural materials like hay and straw before being covered with flowers.
1 Placed in Vessel
The vessel is then sealed and closely monitored over a period of 60-90 days. It is rigorously controlled to ensure a safe, dignified and complete transformation. This time can be used to gradually consider memorialisation locations and options.
2 Transformation
Once the transformation is complete, what remains is simply earth. This creates new possibilities for memorialisation that go beyond what’s traditionally available with burial or cremation, offering flexible and meaningful ways to honour a loved one’s legacy.
3 Earth

The Resting Place
Part 2.
You can now create a living legacy. Approximately 1 cubic metre of life-giving earth is created, providing enough for both memorialisation and contribution to environmental impact projects.
4 Memorialisation Options
More than one memorialisation option can be chosen, including all existing options and many new ones.
Plant or nourish a tree or garden in a place that holds special meaning - a favourite park, garden, or natural space. Your loved one’s legacy will continue to grow and thrive through nature.
Nourish a living pot plant that you can keep at home, offering a continuous connection to your loved one.
Plant a tree or create a garden in your own backyard or property. This option allows you to create a personal, living tribute that grows with you and your family over time, in a place filled with meaning and familiarity.
Place a portion of earth in an urn of choice to keep at home, allowing you to maintain a personal, tangible connection, similar to cremated ashes.
Just like cremated ashes, portions of this earth can be scattered in meaningful locations.
If you already own or intend to purchase a cemetery plot, all or part of the earth can be respectfully placed within it. You may also like to plant a garden in this space. A standard grave has the capacity to hold the entire cubic metre of earth.
We offer a range of initiatives focused on carbon sequestration, reforestation, and environmental regeneration, including dedicated carbon farms, developed through strategic partnerships and collaborations. While the entire volume of earth can be directed to these impactful projects, there is often enough to accommodate personal memorialisation options as well.
Some of these projects have the benefit of generating carbon credits. By selling these credits, we will reinvest 100% of proceeds into further environmental regeneration initiatives and expanding access to nature-positive death care.
Learn more about our environmental impact here
5 Environmental Impact Projects
Join the Movement
This vision is much bigger than us and requires significant change. To make it a reality, we need your support. Over the past five years, we’ve been researching and trialling terramation technology and are now in the final stages of refinement. By expressing your interest, you become part of a movement to show governments, industry, and communities that this is the future you want.
The more people who back our work, the more momentum we can build to drive forward essential changes - regulatory reform, ongoing research and development, and the creation of new infrastructure.
It's never too early to share your wishes with loved ones or include them in your will, even if terramation isn’t yet available in your area. By doing this, you are signalling your values and the kind of memorial you envision for yourself.
Join us in thoughtfully shaping a beautiful, nature-positive future for generations and millennia to come.